Sunday, October 21, 2012

Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand and I could change one thing, I would change the amount of paperwork and time wasted in schools that is not directly related to student achievement.  I think that teachers, counselors and administrators are becoming bogged down by the amount of documentation that is required on a daily and weekly basis.  The majority of this paperwork does not directly contribute to student achievement and success.  Teachers are being forced to take time away from planning effective lessons to complete a specific format of lesson plans, call logs and athletic eligibility forms.  School staff are also required to attend meetings just for the sake of attending a meeting and not necessarily to learn new strategies.  In a focus on reaching certain test scores, the focus on the student is being lost.

Classroom Guidance Activity

Overview of Activity:

Students will discuss important habits and tools that support success in school and post-secondary planning. Students will state ways to improve habits or develop tools. Students will learn specific strategies to set personal goals and apply strategies to set/write personal goals for high school.


Age group/grade:  11th/12th grade

Materials needed:  

poster board, markers


  1. Put students in groups of 3-5. Each group will be assigned a habit/tool that supports success in school and be given a piece of poster paper. On their poster, students should:
    • explain why it is important to develop this habit as a successful student,
    • give 2 to 3 examples of how students can show or demonstrate they are using the habit,
    • suggest ways to improve the habit if you have not yet developed it. Habits:
      Knowing Your Strengths/Weaknesses, Time Management (Not Procrastinating), Stress Management, Assertiveness (define for group), Motivation, Planning for the Future, Being Responsible, Follow-Through
  2. Share information from small group with the whole class.
  3. Class synthesize a list of the top 3 keys for success in high school.

Follow-up Activities:

Follow-up with students in future classes to set goals based on the habits for success that they recognized.  Students can then journal to reflect on how they are meeting these goals.  

Week 7 Reflection

The feedback on my first tape was pretty positive and I felt like it was a decent start for the class.  I'd like to be more intentional in my sessions with students.  I've found so far that the students I talk with just need someone to listen and its sometimes difficult to get them to focus on one issue and set goals.  I think I need to do a better job at guiding students in the conversation to discuss how they are working towards goals and reflecting on their progress.  Also, as a teacher I have a tendency to give advice to students when they present a problem rather than allowing them to reflect and find their own solutions.  I need to do a better job moving between these two roles during my practicum experience.