Sunday, October 21, 2012

Magic Wand

If I had a magic wand and I could change one thing, I would change the amount of paperwork and time wasted in schools that is not directly related to student achievement.  I think that teachers, counselors and administrators are becoming bogged down by the amount of documentation that is required on a daily and weekly basis.  The majority of this paperwork does not directly contribute to student achievement and success.  Teachers are being forced to take time away from planning effective lessons to complete a specific format of lesson plans, call logs and athletic eligibility forms.  School staff are also required to attend meetings just for the sake of attending a meeting and not necessarily to learn new strategies.  In a focus on reaching certain test scores, the focus on the student is being lost.


  1. I think that your comment of the paperwork not directly relating to student achievement and success should be an eye opener for many administrators. I do understand the importance of documentation, but it is becoming too much and educators are seeming to loose the focus of their intentions.

  2. I could not agree more!! This is also the case in higher education. Forms! Forms! Forms! we make a joke about it all on a daily basis. we say "is there an App for that?? it's getting ridiculous! there needs to be a realignment of duties, I didn't go to college to me an administrative assistant. there should be a position for each counselor to have their own secretary in order to keep up with the paper trail.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more Brandi. Unnecessary paperwork bogs down teachers and counselors, preventing them from focusing solely on the betterment of students.

  4. I completely agree with you. This has been the trend over the past 10 years or so. Each year there are more checklists, more meetings, I am even filling out social security papers on students! As a result, I do feel like students are suffering. The focus is now on test scores, not on what students can do and how much they are progressing. This is a sad fact in regards to the education system.
