Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 7 Reflection

The feedback on my first tape was pretty positive and I felt like it was a decent start for the class.  I'd like to be more intentional in my sessions with students.  I've found so far that the students I talk with just need someone to listen and its sometimes difficult to get them to focus on one issue and set goals.  I think I need to do a better job at guiding students in the conversation to discuss how they are working towards goals and reflecting on their progress.  Also, as a teacher I have a tendency to give advice to students when they present a problem rather than allowing them to reflect and find their own solutions.  I need to do a better job moving between these two roles during my practicum experience.  

1 comment:

  1. I have found that I also to focus more on goal development and planning for how they can achieve the goal than I do on reflecting on progress toward the goal. It is important to remember the reflection because it helps the celebrate the small achievements and also see what may not be working for them.
