Sunday, November 25, 2012


Cyberbullying is an issue that I have seen develop during the last few years as a teacher.  When I began teaching, social networking was just becoming popular.  Now, cyberbullying is a topic that comes up in our building several times a month.  Some of these incidents are very small, with unintended consequences and some incidents are blatant bullying on the part of students.  Bullying of any type should be taken seriously and addressed by adults immediately.  I think that the issue of cyberbullying is difficult for schools, and specifically counselors, because of the gray area of where the bullying takes place.  It is difficult for school employees to address bullying between their students if it is not taking place on school grounds.  We all want students to feel safe and respected in the school environment and cyberbullying crosses this line.  But where does the jurisdiction of school administrators begin and end?     For this reason, I think it is very important that schools have specific, written policies regarding cyberbullying.  I have seen several instances of students being harassed by their peers online and that animosity carrying on into the school.  Unfortunately, I have had administrators tell me that this is not a school issue because the act of bullying did not take place on school grounds.  I think this is a problem because schools are sometimes the only support systems that many students have.  If students cannot count on us to look out for their best interests, I think the integrity of public schools is harmed.

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